Why why why put toilet paper on its holder the wrong way?
There’s a wrong way? Oh, yes.
Installing the roll with the flow towards the wall (under) is just plain inefficient - it’s harder to reach the end and trickier to tear when you do.
Have you ever walked into a hotel bathroom and seen it that way? No.
(And you know what group commits this malpractice the most often? Well, you'll see this entry has a 'Sexism' tag)
(You know what else? If I find it 'wrong' - I make it right - that's how strongly I feel about it)
Away from the wall (over) makes all the sense. End of story.
(But stay tuned for the toilet seat myth - it's a doozy)
Vindicated! http://www.sciencealert.com/124-year-old-patent-reveals-the-proper-way-to-use-toilet-paper